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Phase III epalrestat trial is fully enrolled.
Based on the success of our foundational research with Perlara PBC and compassionate use trial of one patient in the US, the FDA has approved a prospective, single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial at Mayo Clinic for up to 40 PMM2-CDG children (ages 2-17).
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"The improvement of PMM enzyme activity, and global glycosylation suggest epalrestat is a rational treatment target for PMM2-CDG and should be tested in a larger clinical trial."
Sorbitol is a severity biomarker for PMM2-CDG with therapeutic implications
Annals of Neurology
Word on the street
Image of Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota, Gonda Building and part of Mayo Building from cafeteria Copyright ©2008 Michael Bonert.
You are free to share and adapt this image as per the CC BY-SA 3.0.
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